2024 VBA Banker Day Event Recap
January 11, 2024

Post Matt Bruning Henry Watkins

On January 11, nearly 200 bankers from 47 banks attended VBA Banker Day at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. Attendees then traveled to the new General Assembly Building to meet with legislators at their offices for a chance to hear directly from state policymakers and learn about the issues impacting banking in the 2024 General Assembly session.

2024 Keynote Speaker

Governor Glenn Youngkin

Governor Glenn Youngkin was born in Richmond and raised in Virginia Beach. After earning an engineering degree at Rice University and his MBA at Harvard Business School, Governor Youngkin and his wife Suzanne moved to Northern Virginia. For 25 years Governor Youngkin was instrumental in growing the Carlyle Group’s stature globally while helping fund the retirements of teachers, police officers, firefighters and other frontline public servants.

And today, Governor Youngkin continues to deliver for all Virginians. As a newcomer to politics, he ran, won, and now shapes policy on commonsense solutions to kitchen table concerns. So far, he’s passed the largest education budget in Virginia’s history, facilitated waves of economic investments and business expansions to reinvigorate job growth and opportunity and has totally transformed the way government works for its citizens. He signed a comprehensive package of laws delivering for veterans in his first six months as well as enacting historic tax cuts and funding for public safety. 

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This bulletin is a biweekly communication during the General Assembly Session, sent to members to keep them updated on pending legislation that would impact banking. Special Legislative Bulletins are also distributed throughout the year to keep members up-to-date on other government relations and advocacy events and initiatives. Click here to sign up for this as well as other VBA eNewsletters and publications.

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Attend the VBA/ABA Washington Summit March 18-20

The annual VBA/ABA Washington Summit brings together bankers from Virginia and across the country for an opportunity to be the first to hear perspectives from key policymakers; updates on financial inclusion and other industry hot topics; and the policy outlook and priorities for Congress from ABA’s experts. Learn more about this free event here.

Banker Day Noted & Quoted

View Pictures from the 2024 Event