The KeyState Companies

Endorsed Provider Tax Credit Investing

Tim Swiat, SVP, Business Development
Phone:  (702) 949-0270

Founded in 1991, KeyState specializes in providing community banks with innovative investment structures that enhance a community bank’s annual earnings. KeyState Renewables has raised and deployed $225 million in SOLCAP solar tax funds since 2020, financing 53 projects in 7 states. In May 2023, the VBA and KeyState jointly launched the VBA|SOLCAP 2024 LMI Solar Tax Credit Fund, which will raise up to $150 million in solar tax equity capital from its member banks. The capital will be deployed by KeyState in collaboration with a Virginia-based solar development partner to build 15-20 community solar projects throughout Virginia in 2024. These projects will exclusively benefit low-to-moderate income (LMI) households in Virginia, reducing their annual electric bills by approximately 20-30%.

Take a moment to view this insightful video on Why SOLCAP.