Sponsorship & Exhibiting


2025 Sponsorship & Exhibiting Opportunities – NOW AVAILABLE!

VBA conferences provide companies with multiple sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities allowing for engagement with current and prospective bank clients and the chance to increase your brand exposure and connect with key personnel.  These programs, primarily for function-specific positions in the banks, are designed to provide updates and information on the latest issues impacting the banking industry in that particular area. 

Advertising opportunities are also available in Virginia Banking Monthly and Virginia Banking Annual publications providing another avenue for getting your message in front of our member banks.

For the complete 2025 Sponsor Brochure, click here.


VBA Signature Sponsors

VBA Signature Sponsor logo

VBA Signature Sponsor Packages are unique offerings for companies who are interested in providing higher levels of sponsorship support at VBA events. Signature Sponsors have the opportunity to build their own individual bundled package by determining the sponsorships and/or advertisement options that align best with their strategic plan for the year.