Speaker Proposal Form Webform September 18, 2019 View information about VBA membership here. Learn about sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities here. Speaker Name: * Company/Organization: * Email: * Phone Number: * Please provide a brief bio including past speaking engagements: * Resume/Bio Upload: * Have you spoken at a VBA sponsored conference/event in the past?: * Yes No Please select the audience(s) you feel would benefit from your session: * Bank Directors CEOs/Presidents CFO/Accounting Compliance Lending Credit Enterprise Risk Management Human Resources Marketing Operations Retail Security Technology Training Trust/Wealth Management Young/Emerging Leaders Women in Banking Conference Please provide session topic(s). If you are submitting topics for different conferences, please note this in the description: * I am a(n): * VBA Associate Member VBA Endorsed Provider VBA Financial Services Member I am not currently a member, but interested in learning more. None of the above. Speaking Fee/Range: