VBA Dynamic Workforce Efforts
VBA Dynamic Workforce Efforts
The VBA can assist members in building a more dynamic future leadership.
Women in Banking Initiatives
The VBA began the Women’s Mentorship Program in 2020 as a turn-key experience for banks that want to provide senior-level employees the opportunity to mentor high-potential women in their own banks. We are now in the third official year of the 10-month program, where the VBA provides wrap-around educational opportunities and guidance for the one-on-one mentor/mentee meetings. It also provides connection and network-building opportunities for the participants.
The group also helped create a new communication for this demographic. In March 2021, in conjunction with Women’s History Month, the VBA developed and distributed a new e-newsletter, ELEVATE, a quarterly publication for women in banking and those who support them. Sign up for ELEVATE here. Access the latest issue and links to previous issues here (under the ELEVATE dropdown).
Our Women in Banking Conference takes place each December. We have been hosting a Women in Banking Conference for more than ten years, which brings together more than 100 women for a day of motivation, engagement and learning.
Every year, we also have a virtual event on International Women’s Day. This year, the VBA, in partnership with the VBA Executive Women in Banking Peer Group, hosted a fireside chat with Cathy Nestrick, ABA Senior Director, Women’s Leadership Initiative & DEI, and LeAnne Emert, Benchmark Community Bank and member of the VBA Executive Women in Banking Peer Group. More than 300 bankers and 18 watch parties gathered for the fireside chat on March 8th. Click here to read more and watch the recording of the event.
Recruitment Solution Through BankTalentHQ
VBA’s career center partnership with BankTalentHQ includes access to America’s Job Exchange (AJE) to make connecting with dynamic talent even easier for your bank.
Questions? Contact Amy Binns.
NEW: Virginia Banking Fellows Program in Partnership with the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education
In our newest effort, the VBA Education Foundation has partnered with the Virginia Foundation for Community Colleges to offer a statewide scholarship opportunity. The Foundation initially committed to support 12 total students over the next two years to be a part of this new program but thanks to the support of seven VBA member banks, we supported 13 students in the first year, as well as 13 more students for the 2022-2023 year.
Virginia Banking Fellows each receive a $10,000 scholarship, have the opportunity to take banking industry online training courses and possibly be connected to internship opportunities at VBA member banks.
Please contact Monica McDearmon for more information about this partnership.
Additional Resources
- American Bankers Association’s webpage and resources